COVID – 19 (Coronavirus) Infection Management
During 2020, Master Hire has undertaken various measures of control to minimise the risk of infection from COVID – 19 (Coronavirus) to our valued people, customers and suppliers. This is being undertaken to facilitate the continuation of service in a healthy and safe manner during the current crisis, which we acknowledge is part of our social responsibilities.
- We are ensuring our team is constantly informed with information on what can be done to minimise the impact and spread of the virus.
- We are minimising the spread of contamination and contraction between people through heightening the importance of personal hygiene, avoiding physical contact such as handshaking, and increasing personal space between team members and customers. We ask for support in this by following requests by our team.
- We are taking additional measures when servicing equipment for you by using sanitiser on main touch points such as handles, levers, controls, steering wheels, starter cord handles and keys etc.
- We are having a daily cleaning regime in and around our stores for common touch points such as counters, phones, keyboards, office equipment, drawer handles etc.
- We are enabling some team members to continue their work from home to reduce person-to-person contact and restricting internal movements of personnel to limit any cross contamination.
- We are ensuring management has the most informed advice to share with their teams on developments and any new strategies required.
- We are communicating any contingencies in the event of a major isolation to ensure continuation of service to our customers.
- We are using technology such as video conferencing apps to conduct meetings rather than travel and have face to face contact.
During these unprecedented and ever changing times, Master Hire’s primary concern is the health and safety of our staff, their families, our suppliers and you, our customers.
We are adjusting the way we do business and will continue to update you with what we are doing as a business as the COVID-19 situation evolves and further advice is given by government health officials.
• All Master Hire stores are open and fully operational with social distancing measures and increased hygiene in place for our staff, suppliers and customers.
• Our mechanical staff and field service technicians are fully operational with the above measures also in place.
• All equipment is available for hire as usual with increased cleaning procedures in place for all items.
• Our delivery and pick up services are fully operational in all stores and available to service our customers across our network.
Master Hire would like to thank our customers, our suppliers and our amazing staff for their patience and support during these difficult times.